We deliver solutions to all kinds of hardware and software problems.
Call Us : 9246485777 / 040-35914931 | Email: info@meenatechno.solutions

Our Services

Learn more about our mission and vision to serve people by using innovation and technology which help us putting our customers and people in first row.

Sales-Computers, Software,Tablets and CCTV, Security Equipment

We offer sales of all kinds and brands of servers,desktops,laptops,software, antivirus and tablets, CCTV Equipment at best and very competitive price compared to the market rates. we have served about 1000+ Happy Customers supplying various computer products and peripherals as per their requirement. The existing business is to assume a major portion of customers gain.Requirements may be of any kind we are keenly focused. we typically give detailed information about the product to the organization or team to reach the goals. An internal business plan is often developed in conjunction with a balanced scorecard or a list of success factors to the customers.


We are in the service of computers and peripherals from the past 25 years. our expertise includes the service of almost all major branded and even unbranded servers of large,medium and small scale. whether it is a desktop or laptop or all in one we can give appropriate solution with minimum expenditure.we believe the hard work not the luck. we believe in quality. our major concern is to see that the customer is benefited and satisfy with quality,reliable and better service at best price. we undertake installation of new networks and as well maintenance of them.

AMC and Data Recovery

We undertake Annual Maintenance of Computers,Networks and CCTV installation, maintenance as per the customers need and requirement. we have dedicated staff to concentrate on solving the customers problems on a regular basis. we usually try to attend the problems within 24 hrs of receiving the compliant. when under AMC we do the preventive maintenance also as a part of the service as and when needed at regular intervals to ensure the better functioning of the equipment. 

No data recovered no charges to be paid. we will take all measures and try our best to get your data back safely. once we receive the equipment we van give you the estimated charges and time required to complete the task. 

Why Choose Us?

Effective Team Work

we believe nothing is impossible to achieve when work as a team. we at MTS collabberate and work to acheive the best output.

25 Years Experience

yes it is….. whatever we achieved today is the collective effort and built on rock solid hard work and careful planning. 

High Technology Factory

In todays world it is really a necessity and compulsion for technology upgrades. MTS is in the continual process of implementing the new technology.

Flexible and reasonable Payment terms

we at MTS are not on a hurry to build the dream overnight. we prefer to achieve it at a slower pace. we are work on trust and long standing relationship with customers. we charge very reasonably and of-course at competitive price compared to other service providers.

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